Sober savage

recovery/mental health for savage degenerates

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what we fight for

normalizing mental health and sobriety

Make sobriety easier at events those in recovery would otherwise not be able attend, and bring the awareness of the severity of addiction.

expose Mental Health to younger generations

The earlier in life an individual is exposed to the world of recovery, the more likely they are to get help faster, or, will not

eliminate addiction shame completely

We fight against discrimination and other injustices and assumptions that surround addiction.

Colorful Gradient Background

latest in savage ish


Thirsty Thursdays it's Happy Hour 5PM, our official LIVE first episode aired! Collectively we have over 500 savages on the squad to join in to check it out, and will be posted for streaming on Mondays.


Within HOURS of publishing Sober Savage, we received inquiries regarding events that were SAME WEEK! Over 17 sober friends saw Rufus Du Sol at 3 different shows, that wouldn't have gone without support! Amazing.

savage podcast

Our podcast is all inclusive! Whether you, a loved one or just someone you know has been touched by the insidious and overpowering force of addiction and struggles with mental health, we are for you. By supporting us, you are supporting our fight to spread awareness, normalize discussing recovery and impact a younger generation and prevent as many deaths as possible.

Join us in the fight to raise some rock bottoms

Voiceover Studio Microphone
Teenagers at Summer Music Festival

savage events

Sober Savage is the FIRST and ONLY team working day and night to create recovery friendly options for events that are typically associated with (you guessed it) partying!

We strongly believe that by having these options available in the HIGHLY admired but HIGH risk world of partying, individuals will not postpone making changes that benefit their mental health.

Change the conversation from "I CAN'T drink," to "I don't HAVE TO drink." will help a lot of people. It's wellness with a twist!

Women Hanging Out

savage socials

Being a part of the Sober Savage Community Network allows you to connect with others in recovery in a private and safe platform.

Our Facebook Page is for no one other than those whose lives are effected by recovery. So if you are not ready to share with the world about your own personal journey, or if you are just sober curious and have questions, your information is completely private.

Going to your first sober wedding? Don't want to do a Birthday night out without a sober buddy? Put it out there! We are a gang, so don't have to do this alone.

Women Working Out

reach out to us

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The path to self realization:

Recognizing addiction -- Anonymous

In today's fast-paced and stressful world, addiction can sneak up on anyone, regardless of their background or lifestyle. Whether it's substance abuse, gambling, or even technology, recognizing that you are an addict is the crucial first step towards recovery. Accepting and understanding your addiction is a powerful act of self-awareness, paving the way for a healthier and more fulfilling life. In this blog post, we'll explore four key signs that can help you realize you are an addict and provide guidance on how to embark on the path to recovery.

Loss of Control:

One of the defining characteristics of addiction is the loss of control over your behavior or substance use. You may find yourself unable to stop or moderate your engagement in the addictive behavior, despite negative consequences and a desire to change. Recognizing this lack of control is an essential indicator that you may be dealing with an addiction. Pay close attention to patterns of repeated behavior that are interfering with your daily life, relationships, work, or personal well-being.

Withdrawal Symptoms:

Withdrawal symptoms are another clear signal of addiction. These symptoms can manifest physically, emotionally, or mentally when you try to abstain from the addictive substance or behavior. Common withdrawal symptoms include irritability, anxiety, cravings, insomnia, depression, or physical discomfort. If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms when attempting to cut back or stop the addictive behavior, it's crucial to recognize the possibility of addiction and seek support.

questioning girl

Preoccupation and Neglect:

Addiction often consumes a significant amount of your time, thoughts, and energy. You may notice that your preoccupation with the substance or behavior is disrupting your ability to focus on other aspects of your life. Neglecting responsibilities, relationships, hobbies, and self-care are common signs of addiction. If you find yourself prioritizing the addictive behavior over other essential areas of your life, it's time to acknowledge the impact it's having and take action.

Failed Attempts to Quit:

Repeated unsuccessful attempts to quit or cut back on the addictive behavior is a clear indication that addiction may be at play. Despite your genuine desire and efforts to change, the allure of the addiction proves overpowering. Failed attempts to quit can lead to feelings of frustration, guilt, and shame, which often perpetuate the addictive cycle. Recognizing this pattern of relapse and understanding that it's a hallmark of addiction is vital in accepting your situation and seeking professional help or support groups.

Realizing you are an addict is a deeply personal and transformative journey. Acknowledging the signs of addiction, such as loss of control, withdrawal symptoms, preoccupation, and failed attempts to quit, is a significant step towards recovery. It's essential to remember that addiction is not a character flaw but a complex condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Seeking help from professionals, support groups, or loved ones is vital in finding the support and guidance needed to break free from addiction's grip and build a healthier, more fulfilling life. Remember, the path to recovery is a courageous one, and by taking the first step, you're already on your way to a brighter future.

Navigating Sobriety in the LGBTQ+ Community: A Journey to Healing and Authenticity

Women With Gay Pride Body Paint

For members of the LGBTQ+ community, the path to sobriety can be uniquely challenging yet profoundly transformative. Substance abuse often serves as a coping mechanism for the discrimination, stigma, and rejection that many LGBTQ+ individuals face. However, as they take steps toward recovery, they discover a renewed sense of self and authenticity. Sobriety not only offers a chance to heal physically and emotionally but also to embrace their true identities.

One significant aspect of LGBTQ+ individuals' journey to sobriety is the creation of safe and inclusive spaces. Many support groups and treatment centers now offer specific programs tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ participants. These environments foster a sense of belonging and understanding, reducing the feelings of isolation that can be a trigger for substance abuse. Moreover, sobriety often allows individuals to reclaim their sense of community and connect with their peers authentically.


Sobriety in the LGBTQ+ community is not just about giving up harmful habits; it's a reclamation of self-worth and resilience. Many find that as they embrace a life free from substances, they can better advocate for their rights and equality. The journey to sobriety can be an empowering process, allowing LGBTQ+ individuals to stand proudly in their identities while demonstrating that healing, recovery, and self-acceptance are not only possible but a powerful testament to the strength and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community.

Choosing the Right Path to Recovery: AA vs. Other Programs -- Anonymous

When it comes to battling addiction, there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Different individuals have unique needs and preferences, and this extends to the recovery programs they choose. Two popular options are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and various alternative programs. AA, founded in 1935, follows a 12-step model that emphasizes surrender to a higher power. On the other hand, alternative programs offer a diverse range of approaches, often with more secular and customizable methods.

AA has been a cornerstone of the recovery community for decades and has helped millions find sobriety. Its emphasis on peer support and the spiritual component of the 12 steps can be highly effective for some. However, it's essential to recognize that AA may not resonate with everyone. Critics argue that its spiritual approach can be a barrier for atheists, agnostics, or those of non-monotheistic faiths. This has paved the way for alternative programs like SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery, and LifeRing Secular Recovery, which provide non-religious, science-based, and flexible alternatives.

One significant difference between AA and alternative programs is the structure. AA relies on regular meetings, sponsorship, and the 12-step model. Alternative programs often provide a more individualized approach, allowing participants to choose techniques that align with their personal beliefs and values. This flexibility can be particularly appealing to those who want a recovery plan tailored to their unique circumstances.

In the end, the choice between AA and alternative programs should be based on what best suits the individual. While some thrive within the supportive community of AA and find strength in the 12 steps, others may prefer the flexibility and secular approach offered by alternatives. What's most important is that those seeking recovery find a program that resonates with them and helps them achieve and maintain sobriety. Ultimately, the right program is the one that supports the individual's journey to a healthier and substance-free life.

Happy Patients Applauding Mature Psychologist or Therapist after Group Therapy Session

The Pros and Cons of being

‘ California Sober ‘

Young woman smoking weed, multicolored portrait

California sober living, a term popularized by Demi Lovato, is a unique approach to sobriety. It involves abstaining from one's drug of choice while occasionally using other substances, such as alcohol and cannabis. One significant positive aspect of this approach is the harm reduction element. For individuals who have struggled with severe addiction, transitioning to California sober living can be a stepping stone toward complete sobriety. It allows them to avoid their most damaging substance while learning healthier habits. Moreover, this approach promotes moderation, which can be more sustainable for some people in the long run.

However, California sober living is not without its drawbacks. Critics argue that this approach can be a slippery slope, potentially leading to a return to more harmful habits. While it may work for some, it might not be suitable for those with particularly addictive personalities. Additionally, some substances, even when used in moderation, can have negative health consequences. For example, the recreational use of cannabis may impact cognitive function and exacerbate mental health issues in certain individuals.

One of the significant aspects of California sober living is its personalized nature. It allows individuals to define their own path to recovery, catering to their specific needs and circumstances. This flexibility can be empowering and therapeutic, as it acknowledges that recovery is not a one-size-fits-all process.

In conclusion, California sober living, like any approach to recovery, has its pros and cons. The key is to understand that what works for one person might not work for another. It's crucial for individuals considering this approach to do thorough research, consult with healthcare professionals, and carefully weigh the potential benefits against the risks. Ultimately, the goal should always be long-term health and well-being, and the path to achieving that may differ for each person.

It's crucial to acknowledge that alcohol is often just one element in a broader web of risk factors associated with suicide. Many individuals facing alcohol problems also grapple with financial difficulties, relationship stress, trauma, or a history of mental illness. Addressing the complexity of these factors is essential when understanding and preventing suicides related to alcohol misuse.

The connection between suicide and alcohol is a distressing reality, but it's essential to remember that help and support are available. Friends, family, and mental health professionals can play a crucial role in recognizing the signs of alcohol-related suicide risk and providing assistance. For those who are struggling, reaching out for help and treatment is a courageous and life-saving step. Combating this challenging issue requires a comprehensive approach, including awareness, destigmatization, and accessible resources for both alcohol addiction and mental health support.

In conclusion, the relationship between suicide and alcohol is complex and multifaceted, involving immediate effects, long-term consequences, and co-occurring risk factors. Addressing this issue requires a holistic approach that encompasses both mental health and substance abuse treatment, support networks, and an understanding of the nuanced factors that contribute to the link between alcohol and suicide.

The Complex Relationship Between Suicide and Alcohol:

Understanding the Link

The association between suicide and alcohol is a deeply troubling and complex issue that affects individuals, families, and communities worldwide. The link between these two concerns is multifaceted, involving both the short-term effects of alcohol on mental health and the long-term consequences of alcohol misuse. This blog will delve into the intricate relationship between suicide and alcohol, shedding light on the factors that contribute to this challenging issue.

Alcohol is a depressant that can have immediate effects on a person's mood and decision-making. When individuals consume excessive amounts of alcohol, their judgment can become impaired, leading to impulsive actions and potentially risky behavior, including self-harm or suicide attempts. Alcohol's temporary euphoric effects can also be followed by depressive states, intensifying feelings of hopelessness and despair, which may contribute to suicidal thoughts.

Long-term alcohol misuse can significantly exacerbate mental health problems. Many people turn to alcohol as a form of self-medication for conditions like depression and anxiety, believing it provides temporary relief. However, this only leads to a vicious cycle, as alcohol dependence and withdrawal can worsen these underlying mental health issues. Individuals dealing with chronic alcohol abuse are at a higher risk of experiencing intense depressive symptoms that may increase the likelihood of suicidal ideation and attempts.

World Suicide Prevention Day concept with awareness yellow ribbon

The Costly Reality of Rehab and Sober Living: Barriers to Recovery

Rehabilitation and sober living facilities play a critical role in helping individuals overcome addiction and maintain long-term sobriety. However, one significant obstacle that stands in the way of many seeking these vital services is the high cost. The expense of rehab and sober living has become a daunting barrier to treatment for countless individuals and their families, highlighting the need for a closer examination of the financial aspects of addiction recovery.

The cost of inpatient rehabilitation can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the type of facility, the length of the program, and the amenities provided. On average, a 30-day inpatient rehab program can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands. High-end luxury facilities can cost even more, often exceeding $20,000 for a month of treatment. While some individuals may have insurance coverage to offset these costs, many find themselves without adequate financial support, making quality rehab programs financially out of reach.

Sober living homes, which offer a structured and supportive environment for individuals in early recovery, also come with a price tag. Monthly fees for sober living can range from several hundred to over a thousand dollars. These expenses cover housing, utilities, counseling, and various support services. Like rehab, access to insurance coverage for sober living is limited, leaving many individuals struggling to afford the critical support they need to sustain their recovery.

The financial burden of rehab and sober living can have a range of adverse consequences. Many individuals in need of treatment may delay or forego seeking help altogether due to the overwhelming costs. This can lead to the progression of their addiction, increased health issues, and the strain of addiction on personal and professional relationships. Families may also face financial strain as they attempt to support their loved ones on the path to recovery.

The high cost of rehab and sober living is a significant barrier to recovery for many individuals, which is a concerning issue in the context of the ongoing addiction crisis. Increasing access to affordable and accessible treatment is crucial. Advocacy, government initiatives, and community support are necessary to address these financial challenges. While there are some low-cost or sliding scale facilities available, more resources and options are needed to ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, can access the help they need to break free from the cycle of addiction and work toward a healthier, sober life.

Medical Debt Concept

not so fast! important Pregame reminder:

Sober Savage is the first and only company dedicated to normalizing being sober, both mentally and phisically, at events they would otherwise not be able attend without jeopardizing their recovery.

The content on this platform includes visuals of alcohol, references to partying, gambling, drugs, sex, pills, shopping, eating disorders and other similar activities that may be very triggering to those struggling with Addiction.

don't forget to do a vibe check before going further into the site. 1 year sober or 30, we know our addictions are hiding in our brain doing pushups. so just a reminder to pause and make sure you're not giving it any ammo.

Trigger Warning

Queer Friends Voguing
First Aid Kit on White Background

We are civilians

Surprisingly, addiction has been the leading causes of death, and lets face it - has no intention of slowing down any time soon. We joke here, but addiction kills. If you or a loved one is suffering through the insidious BS of addiction and need help, stop what you're doing and call 800-662-HELP.

Love and tolerance only

Every single person that has had their lives touched by addiction, has a seat at this table. Let's keep this a safe space. Addiction does not discriminate, so neither should we. If you have a problem with that, you're in the wrong place. We can not, and will not, tolerate bullying.

Two People Holding Hands by a Progress Pride Flag